Week 37

If you have a problem, would you go to a family member, best friend, or a stranger?

I normally talk to my husband. He’s a sound, secure board upon which I can bounce ideas. He is reasonable, but always has my best interest at heart, even if it isn’t the answer I necessarily want.

Second is one of my two best pals who now live pretty far away since we’re all adults now. They’ve been my best friends forever, and I know I can talk to them about anything. Really, anything. They know me better than anyone, and they have each been through parts of life I haven’t hit yet (same with me). The three of us balance each other out, and we put our strengths where the others have weakness.

Third, I have a network of other close friends from church, school, family, etc. I think it really depends on the issue. I have friends/family that are better at different things. If I have a financial problem, I won’t go to my husband because he’s not great with money, and would just reply with, “whatever you think, babe.” I would go to my dad because he’s good with stuff like that. If David and I are fighting or having some other weird marital thing, I’ll probably go to one of my friends who have been married a couple years for advice.

I get along really well with people, and I think I give pretty decent advice most of the time (please correct me if I’m wrong), so the network of people I feel I can talk to is pretty vast 🙂

A Weekend at Home

I decided on a whim to head home to my mom’s house for the weekend. I haven’t visited in a little over a month, and I missed my family.

No one knew I was coming, so when my mom texted me a picture of my high school’s football game, I knew I would get to surprise them at school! I had a huge puffy coat on, and I don’t think they would’ve recognized me had I not flipped my hood down, but I got to scare all three of them separately. That’s three moments of terror, then happiness on their faces, and three moments of pure joy on mine.

My family can get on my nerves, but I love them so much, I want to spend time with them. Even doing mundane things is fun ❤ We literally spent half of Saturday just lying around on the couch watching my sister play Sims on her xbox.

I went grocery shopping with my dad! It was just normal Walmart shopping, but it was so much fun to spend time with him and talk about food and life and jobs and everything.

My mom, sister, and I went shopping on Saturday. This is something we all used to do for fun—go to stores and walk around people watching, laughing at weird stuff they’re selling and dreaming of all the things we’d buy if we were rich—and my family still does it when I’m not there. However, when I’m not at my mom’s house, I’m in the tiny town that I live in. There aren’t any stores, just Piggly Wiggly (ew) and Fred’s. The nearest Target is a 45 minute drive. It’s a rough life. BUT when I come home, I get to hang out with my mom and sisters and go to Target and Old Navy and Bath and Body Works and try on all the things and smell all the things and and and… it’s just great. I love doing normal things with my family.

Saturday night we also went to a campfire at our neighbor’s house, and we roasted (burned) marshmallows to make s’mores. We also tried roasting Peeps and eating them. They are very good, just make sure they are a little old, or they’ll get too soft and fall into the fire. Starburst are another good roasting option. The outside caramelizes, and the inside stays gooey and warm. It was a good night all around.